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Case of the Disappearing Dog! Day 9

OK shes in her kennel, however, slight heart attack walking in the door after work today!

Typically come home, go to her kennel to say hello and get her outside to do her “duty”.   But today…. no dog.    OK.. maybe she got out.  I check under the table …. no dog.  I check in the spare room where she likes to hide now, no dog.  I look outside.  no dog.

So … I call hubby, he panics.

I open the closed office door.  THere she is.  sitting in front of the fan that was on.   How did she get there you ask?  We haven’t quite figured that one out!    We think when he fed her this morning, the door was just closed but not locked.  I see evidence of our masked crusaider being in several rooms today, however how she managed to shut the door is beyond us!

So…outside she went, and back in her “house”.  A few treats to get her there since she reaaaallllyyy didn’t want to be.

Hopefully her movement today didn’t mess things up with the new stitching.

In terms of her future….xrays came back clear again for her lungs so thats a good sign.  Operating Dr doesn’t know if they got all the tumor out, because of the extent they said they had to stop at a certain point.  CT scan recommended, but its so so so expensive.  They said that the cancer treatment isn’t good on tumors, and thats what radiation is for – however with out a CT, they aren’t sure what they are dealing with.   This may be a point that we will have to forego and see how she does with the other treatment.   The tumor also came back with osteosarcoma, which made them wonder how much of the chest bone may have been affected.

We’ll, as always, keep everyone posted!

2 thoughts on “Case of the Disappearing Dog! Day 9”

  1. Did we tell you that when a dog becomes a Tripawd they get magical powers? I think Reeeses is revealing them now.

    And they also become Tripawd Warrior Princesses too. Whatever happens next, she will handle it with dignity and class. Follow her lead and everything will be all right.

    One more thing: don’t beat yourself up for making decisions based on cost. Your girl doesn’t want you to be miserable because you have vet bills you can’t afford. All that matters now is making the most of every day and that means that you are all on the same page, and hoppy.

  2. This is such a hard time for you, deciding what to do.

    Don’t you love those magical powers…

    Pats for Reeses for being a Tripawd Warrior Princess!

    Meg and Gandalf

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